Handgun Work
Service Charges
Chamfer revolver barrel: $50.00
Chamfer revolver cylinder: $60.00
Revolver action job: $50.00-$100.00 (clean, smooth action, not including replacement of parts)
Re-barrel revolver: $60.00-$100.00 (remove old barrel, replace with new factory barrel, labor only)
Straighten crane on revolver: $50.00
Install crane lock: $50.00
Remove/modify revolver hammer spur: hourly rate
Convert revolver from square to round butt: $65.00
Semi-auto pistol action job: $50.00-$150.00 (clean, smooth action, not including any parts)
Bevel mag. well: hourly rate
Cut slide for dovetail front sight: $50.00 (without cost of sight)
Cut slide for Novak rear: $145.00 (without cost of sight)